You're almost done!

Are you ready to celebrate your academic journey and mark this incredible milestone in your life? Boise State University graduates, your moment is almost here, and it's time to make it unforgettable! 🎉

Choosing the right photographer for your graduation photoshoot was crucial. Not only do you need a photographer to capture beautiful images but also understand the significance of the long journey that led up this very moment!

Ivy graduated from Boise State University with a Bachelors of Science in Nursing (BSN). After four long years, she graduated with Honors and secured a position at St. Lukes Hospital as a NICU nurse. Not only did Ivy do exceptionally well in all of the rigorous classes she was enrolled in, she also worked as a phlebotomist at St. Lukes to get experience in the medical field. At the beginning of her spring semester of senior year, Ivy booked a premium Senior session with Promise Me Photo, and we shot these amazing photos to congratulate the last four years of her study! Congrats, Ivy!